
So, following on from yesterday my daughter is off ill again and on medication for tonsillitis! I told work ( polite to really) and spent hours last night thinking of cover work with no access to the school system or Pupils workbooks. Setting cover work is the worst part of my job! I hate setting cover to the point where I would rather go to work dying; setting cover work as a practical teacher is a night mare! I’m always told I’m lucky to teach a subject kids love and to be able to ‘bake or make’ all day; yet when classes need covering no one else can teach them and all of a sudden it’s not so ‘fun’ to teach for others after all! My subject is underestimated by many others, silly really when we should be one big team!

Still I get another day of hugs and what could be better?

Off ill

I am sitting at home with my daughter, I should be teaching today but she is too ill for Nursery so I am at home being a nurse instead!

Work should have consisted of a number of practical lessons and a couple of PPA sessions but instead today will now consist of lesson planning, cuddling, temperature checking and nappy changing! I wouldn’t  have it any other way.